Soloi Pompeipolis

Driving 2 kilometers inland from Mezitli you come across the ruins of antique city Pompeipolis at Viranşehir. This is an impressive place among 20-story apartment blocks surrounding it. The columned road is enough to demonstrate the richness and architectural success of this antique city. Pompeipolis was an important Roman city before it was flattened by an earthquake in the 6th Century. The main 10-meter wide thoroughfare of the city that runs for 450 meters down to the sea is thought to be built during the 2nd or 3rd Centuries. Once there were 200 columns that embellished this road. Only 40 of them have been found so far. There are human and animal figures on the columns.

Excavation work is still continuing shedding more light on the history of this antique city. Before Pompeipolis, there was a city called Soloi in this location. Soloi got its name from the sun. It was a port enriched by trading with Egypt and Cyprus. It was quite developed in philosophy and science at the time.

Roman general Pompeius came to Cilicia with his army to put an end to the domination of pirates in the region. He allowed some of pirates worthy of his mercy to settle in Soloi. He developed the city and gave his name to it. The city was to be called Pompeipolis from that point on. During the Byzantine period, Pompeipolis continued to be an important center and became a diocese with a bishop.

But in the year 527 a devastating earthquake leveled the city. All the efforts of the city to recover from the disaster were in vain. It became the target of attacks by Sasanites and Moslem Arabs. It is thought that the inhabitants of the Pompeipolis evacuated the city a while later.

Findings at Pompeipolis excavations are exhibited at the Mersin Museum